OSHC & Vacation Care - Christian Brothers College

OSHC & Vacation Care

Caring for your son and daughter beyond school hours

CBC OSHC is a service that the Junior School offers to all CBC families. We provide Before School Care, After School Care, Vacation Care and Pupil-Free Day care.

Our service assists families in caring for their children in a safe and enjoyable environment. We have a large and flexible service, so there are always spaces for new enrolments. All the enrolment information (including forms) may be found on this website, or alternatively, you may ring us at 08 8400 4265 or email oshc@cbc.sa.edu.au for further information.

To enrol in the service you must complete an Enrolment Form, which will need to be submitted to the service. There is a once-off fee of $25.00 for new students. Before children start OSHC we ask that you bring them in to have a look around the service, meet the staff and become familiar with the routines and environment. If your child has any medical or other needs, we require a medical plan and request that you discuss it with us so that we may become more familiar with your child’s individual needs.

When young children first start Before School Care, the OSHC Staff escort new children to their classroom in the morning for the first few times, or until the child feels confident enough to go with their friends (this usually doesn’t take very long). Similarly, when children start After School Care, the teacher will escort them down to the designated area and an OSHC staff member will collect them. Please speak with your child’s teacher about this when your child/ren first start OSHC.

Children don’t need to attend Christian Brothers College to attend our Vacation Care program. We have many children from a range of other schools who attend our service.

When enrolling for Vacation Care it is expected that a Vacation Care Booking form will accompany the enrolment form, indicating which days are required. Every additional Vacation Care period after this will require another booking form, specific to the holiday period. OSHC Enrolment Forms are available by clicking here or by requesting via email oshc@cbc.sa.edu.au.

Before School Care

Monday to Friday
Session times from 7:15am – 8:20am   $11 (breakfast provided)
Session times from 7:45am – 8:20am   $5


After School Care

Monday to Friday
Session times from 3:20pm – 6:00pm  $15 (afternoon snack provided)


Vacation Care

Monday to Friday
Early Arrival Session times from 7:30am – 6:00pm  $55
Session times from 8:00am – 6:00pm  $50

Click here to view or download a printable Vacation Care Program


Further Information

For more information, please download the OSHC brochure or contact OSHC on

OSHC Email: oshc@cbc.sa.edu.au
OSHC Desk: 08 8400 4265
OSHC Mobile: 0404 423 190

Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) Flyer

OSHC Enrolment Form

CBC OSHC Parent Handbook

CBC OSHC Direct Debit Request & Authority Form


Employment Opportunities

The College is looking for experienced support workers for OSHC.  For further information, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

At the start of the year each child must be enrolled in the After School Care Service. Enrolling students requires you to complete an annual application form.

New Student Enrolment forms are available online or from the front office otherwise you are welcome to send an email to oshc@cbc.sa.edu.au or call us on (08) 8400 4265 to request a booking. Any bookings made after 2:30pm of the day of care will receive a $2.00 incorrect booking fee. The Service must also be notified of cancellations before 10:00am on the day of care; after this time the full fee will be charged to their account.

[3:30pm] an OSHC Educator collects the Reception students while Year 1 and 2 make their way down to the designated areas – library, Da Vinci room or PAC Room.

[3:35pm] Sit down for an afternoon rundown and welcome, including running through our OSHC rules and what is on the menu and what the daily activities are.

[3:40pm] Homework Club for Years 2 – 6. Children are supervised whilst they do their homework. Children can read or complete quiet activities during this time if they have completed their homework.

[4:00pm] Snack is served and children are free to join other activities being offered in the Service. They are given the options to either to go outside or attend an activity or return to the homework room to finish their homework.

Before School Care is available from 7.15am with included breakfast for $11.

After School Care costs $15.00 for the afternoon before any CCB /CCR reductions.

Our service is licensed until 6.00pm. After 6.00pm an additional $2.00 per minute fee applies.

We provide a well-balanced afternoon tea for the students: veggie platters and dips, pasta, toasties, pancakes, nachos, yogurt and fruit salad, pizza muffins and fried rice. Specific dietary requirements can always be catered for.