Senior Curriculum - Christian Brothers College

Senior Curriculum

Every Boy. Every Day.

For over 140 years, CBC has specialised in the education of boys and has offered a quality education tailored to how boys learn. Our rich and diverse curriculum has been developed to cater for the varied interests of our students to ensure that we prepare each student for their future endeavours.

The Senior School curriculum is a crucial component of the educational journey that prepares our students for their transition into higher education or the workforce. It is designed to provide a well-rounded education that encompasses academic, social, and personal development. With a focus on building upon the foundational knowledge gained in earlier years, the Senior School Curriculum aims to deepen students’ understanding of various subjects while fostering critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and independence.

At the heart of the Senior School curriculum lies a diverse range of subjects that are part of the Australian Curriculum and offer students the opportunity to explore and specialise in areas of their interest. These include core subjects such as Mathematics, Science, English, and social sciences, ensuring a strong academic foundation. Additionally, elective subjects like music, visual arts, languages, design technology, and physical education provide students with the chance to pursue their passions and develop a well-rounded skill set. Subjects in Year 11 and 12 (Stage 1 and 2) are developed in accordance with the requirements of the SACE Board and focuses on students ‘building on their strengths’ by choosing a path of study that is linked to their interests and provides the best opportunity for individual success and SACE completion.


Our Senior School Curriculum promotes interdisciplinary learning and real-world applications. It encourages students to make connections across different subjects and engage in project-based learning, research, and practical experiences. This approach promotes critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities, which are essential for success in higher education and future careers.

The objectives of the Senior School curriculum are:

  • To develop high standards of literacy, comprehension, and numeracy
  • To develop organisational skills
  • To develop critical and creative higher-order thinking skills
  • To provide opportunities for student-centred and enquiry-orientated learning
  • To develop cooperative learning skills
  • To incorporate technology into the curriculum as an important learning tool
  • To provide for integrated learning across the curriculum
  • To meet the specific needs of individual students by providing specific learning programs and catering for student’s different learning styles
  • To provide learning experiences across all areas of the curriculum in preparation for the selection of study pathways in the Senior School

A CBC Advantage

As well as the standard Australian Curriculum, the College offers the CBC Advantage VET Pathways program which students can complete with their SACE as a fifth subject. This program offers students the opportunity to select from several options including Certificate III courses that contribute 20-credits to their SACE. These options are focussed on providing our students with the knowledge and skills relevant to future employment.

CBC Advantage Options

  • High Performance Workplace Practices
  • Vocational Education and Training (Cert III in Business, Fitness, Music – Sound Production or Sport & Recreation)
  • VET – Introduction to Business
  • Community Studies
  • A Stage 2 20-credit SACE Subject

A Holistic Approach

Apart from academic subjects, the Senior School curriculum also incorporates a comprehensive range of co-curricular activities. These include a broad selection of sports, clubs, community service, student leadership programs, and cultural activities. Engaging in co-curricular activities allows students to develop important life skills such as teamwork, communication, time management, and leadership. It also promotes personal growth, self-confidence, and a sense of community.

As part of our holistic approach, we support our students through these important years with career guidance, counselling, learning support programs including free after-school tutoring, and a strong pastoral care focus that teaches our boys to be caring and compassionate members of the community. These initiatives help our boys understand their strengths and interests, and make informed decisions about their future education and career choices.

Years 10-12 Curriculum Guide

To learn more about our Senior School curriculum and explore the subjects offered, we invite you to consult our comprehensive Senior Years Curriculum Guide. It provides detailed information about our CBC Curriculum and offers specific insights into the range of subjects available at this stage of education.

Senior School Curriculum Guide

For information regarding the SACE and SACE subjects for Stage 1 and Stage 2, please visit the SACE website.

Learning Opportunities

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We warmly invite you to join us on our Principal's Tour, where our dedicated staff and Student Leaders will guide you in small groups. It's an excellent opportunity to witness our school in action and experience our vibrant community firsthand.