VET Programs
CBC students are encouraged to connect their learning to future career aspirations through Vocational Education & Training courses, School-Based Apprenticeships/Traineeships, SACE Recognised Studies, Community Learning, and Micro-credentials.
We provide students with the opportunity to develop enterprise and entrepreneurial capabilities that support local skill shortages, emerging industries, post-school employment vacancies, and labour market trends.
The career development curriculum is embedded across all faculty areas and supported by industry partners, local employers, tertiary institutions, and registered training organisations.
Students are provided with opportunities and choices to embed Vocational Learning and Vocational Education & Training within the SACE and through a flexible timetable can attend classes off-site at external National Training Organisations one day per week. The program, empowers the whole school community to embrace pedagogy that is a multidimensional continuum of lifelong learning; one where core academic subjects are combined with Nationally Accredited Training.
Our approach champions the individual and supports our students to become the best version of themselves by providing students with a personalised and contemporary educational experience where excellence is not just defined by academic performance.
For more information, please refer to the VET Guide below or contact: Ms Tia Milohis, CBC Careers/VET Coordinator on 08 8400 4205 or via email at